Making a way in the wilderness…

February 3, 2023


By: Donny McCleery | Director of Campus Life 

It is a new semester and a new “thing”.

We have a high school student living with us, and over break, we had a lot of time together and time to connect and talk.

He asked, “Do you think 2022 was a good year for you?”

My answer was the same as it has been for many years now: “I had some amazing moments and some hard ones, but happy to still be here, and I try to not judge a year on those highs or lows. I am just happy to make it to 2023”.

We talked about Isaiah 43:19— “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” We talked about this because we are starting a new thing—a fresh, new semester.

In this verse, God was doing a new thing and that is what often what people are focused on, but for me, it is the second part of this verse that means the most and gets me through. “I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.””

In my 48 years, one thing I have learned is that each year will hold some amazing highs, some amazing lows, and some just plain normal days.

I know that on those days in the wilderness and desert, where my struggles and hardships lie, at that point is where GOD STAKES HIS CLAIM OVER OUR LIFE THAT HE IS ALWAYS WORKING FOR US, ALWAYS WORKING FOR GOOD AND WILL MAKE A WAY.

It is comforting to know we are a not alone. We have a God that pursues us, advocates for us, and makes a way for us. As we have our ups and downs this year, we can rest and be close to Jesus knowing he is making a way even in our hardest struggles.