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Prairie Vista Youth Services Center

Juvenile Justice Ministry


Ean Cowan



Prairie Vista Youth Services Center is a State-operated 38-bed juvenile detention center located in Brighton, Colorado. The co-ed detention youth center serves youth ages 10-17 and is considered a new facility as it opened on May 10, 2021.

Prairie Vista Youth Services Center serves detention youth from Colorado's 17th, 20th, 13th, 19th, and 8th Judicial Districts. All youth are held while awaiting court appearances or serving short sentences of no more than 45 days. The mission of Prairie Vista  is to provide detention services in an environment that is safe, healthy, and secure for youth, staff, and the community.

Educational services are also provided by on-site Brighton School District. Youth attend school year-round and earn school credits during their stay. Core classes taught are Language Arts, Science, Health, Social Studies, Math, and Physical Education. School hours are from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm.

Life skills programming, skill streaming, restorative justice activities, and cognitive-behavioral theory-based activities are provided to youth in the Division's care. Mental health services are provided on-site by the Community Reach Center.

Denver Area Youth for Christ currently provides religious services, Bible studies, pastoral care, one-on-one mentoring, small groups and Sunday Church services to the youths at Prairie Vista on a voluntary basis.

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