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Ponderosa High School

Campus Life HS


Aaron Brewer

Join us at Ponderosa High School Campus Life!

During the school year, the Ponderosa HS Campus Life program meets Monday evenings at 7:00 pm at the Main Street Fika Coffee Shop for Small Group Discussion. Campus Life is not restricted to just these times, but will also meet for other events such as going to sports games, going out to eat, hiking, movie nights and plenty more through the school year!

Campus Life High School ministry combines healthy relationships with creative programs to help young people make good choices, establish a solid foundation for life, and positively impact their schools. Like every ministry of YFC, Campus Life seeks to engage these young people wherever they are found as lifelong followers of Jesus Christ.

Learn more about campus life at

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Follow us on Instagram at @pondo_campus_life

Ways to Get Involved:

  • Community Support Team
    This unique team is designed to come alongside Campus Life staff in a particular community. The goal of this team is to support Campus Life through prayerservicefinances, and participation.  If you would like to have a greater role in supporting this ministry, please consider joining this team of like-minded adults!
  • Ministry Leader
    These loving adults come alongside the Campus Life staff in order to minister to teens.  The goal of these leaders is to mentor and encourage lost teens through shared experience and intentional relationship.  If you would like to participate in the ministry of the gospel to lost teens, please consider joining the ministry team!
  • Support
    For those who want to be a part of this ministry but do not feel that these other options are for you, there are plenty of other great ways to partner.  Prayer Warriors commit to pray for the ministry, leaders, teens, school, funds, and needs that arise.  Financial supporters are people who partner in ministry by donating funds to the cause in order to enable ministry.  Material supporters are people who donate goods and services towards the ministry.  This includes, but is not limited to: providing food for Campus Life Breakfasts, providing snacks for clubs, transporting students, and assisting with large events and trips.

To apply and join this team, go here, or email Justin at to ask any questions/get answers.